The site

The site is west of Dartmouth along the A3122, the main road into the town.

Outline planning permission for a new hotel here was granted in 2021, and we have now submitted our proposals for the next stage of the planning process, which is a Reserved Matters application. This has been validated by South Hams District Council and can be found on their online planning register under reference 0278/24/ARM.

The site is located on the A3122, on the edge of the Little Cotton Farm development
Little Cotton Farm Masterplan

The site, which is currently disused and empty, with only small amounts of planting and shrubbery, enjoys views to the north to Old Mill Creek and west across to the Dart valley.

The site sits within a larger masterplan for Baker Estates’ Little Cotton Farm development, forming a buffer between the main road and the new homes, which extend to the south of the site down the hillside along Venn Lane and the former farmland.

A new access junction to Townstal Road has been built next to the site, forming the entrance into the wider development. It is currently used for construction traffic into the wider housing development site (in blue on the plan above).

A new pedestrian access is being introduced next to the site, providing a connection from west to east across the development and linking into the local footpath network. Dartmouth Park and Ride is to the east of the site, which offers a regular bus service into Dartmouth’s historic town centre.