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Where we are in the planning process
The brief has been to design a Premier Inn hotel that meets our needs as a business, which is also in keeping with the local area. The new hotel also needs to align with Whitbread’s objective of becoming a net zero business by 2040.
We have now submitted a Reserved Matters planning application to South Hams District Council, which can be found on their online planning register under reference 0278/24/ARM.
The site was granted outline planning permission in 2021.
Our Reserved Matters application will agree details not covered under the outline permission, such as design, materials, and landscaping.
It’s really important to us that the new building fits into the local neighbourhood, creating a comfortable, affordable, and attractive place for visitors to stay, as well as providing significant investment into jobs and the local economy.
We have spoken to Stoke Fleming Parish Council, Dartmouth Town Council, South Hams District Council and others about our proposals for the site, have shared our plans with local residents and the wider Dartmouth community, and are committed to continued community engagement throughout the planning process.
If you have any questions about the proposals, or would like to receive paper copies of the information, please get in touch with the project team by:
Calling us on 0800 689 5209
Emailing us at
Writing to us at “Freepost consultation reply”
To be kept up to date with our plans for Dartmouth, then please register here.
Marengo Communications collects your data on behalf of its clients. We are collecting it to keep you informed of proposals for Premier Inn, Dartmouth and will not use it for any other purpose or provide it to any other company except the relevant landowners. If you do not want us to update you on the plans, then you can either omit your contact details from this form or email us at